
Showing 1561 - 1580 listings

We are a family business that supplies speciality coffee, homemade cakes and hot breakfast/lunch. W...
Assistant Production Co-ordinator

Open to Job Sharing

Experienced Glasgow-based APOC with bases in Edinburgh/Aberdeenshire, but willing to relocate. Quali...
Recent: Borges And Me, Department Q, Outlander: Blood Of My Blood s1, Dinosaur s1, The Rig s2, Outla...
Camera Assistant
I am a Camera Assistant with a background in a kit rental house. I am enthusiastic, adaptable, work...
Data Wrangler
I am a VFX Data Wrangler with experience in DIT'ing and coordinating, based in Glasgow, but happy to...
Glasgow based Runner with experience in HETV, Factual Entertainment and photoshoots.   Crowd Runner...
Sound Recordist/Production Sound Mixer
25 years experience Drama, Docs, Commercial and TV Ents Recent Credits: The Island, Fear, Blood of...
Camera Trainee
Experienced camera trainee working in HETV, Features and Shorts. Edinburgh-based with own car and ha...
-I have worked as an extra for Irvine Welsh's drama Crime  -I have written and directed a short fil...
Unit Driver
I have over 30 years driving experience and 12+ years experience as a location driver for crew and t...
Lighting Gaffer
Complete with Reasonable stock of Modern lighting equipment.
Screen NETS delivers professional on-the-job training, mentoring and positive action career support...
Freelance Editor and Videographer based in Glasgow, Scotland. Work spans across music video, promoti...
Location Facilities
Under New Management  Scottish based location facilities company. We provide artist, 2 ways, 3 way...
New to the industry but not that new.  Since graduating from Edinburgh College having studied Audio...
Prop Hire
Medical props hire company based in Glasgow - run by a qualified accident and emergency nurse with 3...
Payroll/Assistant Accountant

Open to Job Sharing

Experienced Edinburgh-based Assistant Accountant  Assistant Accountant: 28 Years Later (DNA Films)...
Camera 2nd Assistant
Bilingual French/English loader with bases in Glasgow, Edinburgh, Dublin and the south of France. Ha...
Art Director (Standby)
I have experience as both a Standby Art Director and Standby Props. Credits: Outlander Season 8 -...
Sound Recordist/Production Sound Mixer
Sound Recordist with own kit. Available for Film, TV, Documentary, EPK, Commercial & Corporate.  Re...

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