
Showing 1301 - 1320 listings

Senior Production Manager
Senior Production Manager working in Branded Content, Documentary, Factual Entertainment, Promotiona...
Location Services
We source any number of essential location services for your film and TV production and provide them...
Set Build/Scenery Construction
Highly Experienced in Set building for Film, TV Drama and Commercials throughout the UK. Constructio...
Sound Recordist/Production Sound Mixer
Countries Worked in: UK, Ireland, France, Belgium, Holland, Germany, Spain, Cyprus, Malta, Hungary,...
Avid Editor with network credits in a range of genres. Remote editing available. Current CV on web...
Sound Recordist/Production Sound Mixer
24 years experience in Sound Production. Drama, Documentary, Commercial and TV Entertainment. Rece...
Experienced Chargehand Standby. Recent credits include 'The Old Oak', ‘The Buccaneers’, ‘The Regime...
Production Services
Nest Productions Scotland is one of the best production services companies in the UK. Unlike other...
Currently booked until the end of the year. Enthusiastic, adaptable, hard working, and a keen team...
Assistant Director
Experienced 1st Assistant Director.  Recent work has included upcoming feature 'Time Passes in an E...
Special Action Extras
Our agency supplies Special Action Extras and multi skilled artists covering England, Wales and Scot...
Aerial Facilities
Northern Exposure deliver high end aerial visuals and motion time-lapse in a cost effective manner t...
I have experience as an Art Department Assistant and as a mentee at the Glasgow New Talent Mentorshi...
NVQ Advanced level 3. CV on request.
Make-Up Artist
Over 20 years experience in film and TV Hair & Make-up teams as Artist/Supervisor/Designer. Recently...
Director of Photography
Director of Photography with experience shooting a range of commercial projects (clients include: Sc...
Location Assistant
Worked as an LA on Blood of My Blood, for the past 3 months. I have gained experience on shooting Cr...
Outlander s8, Blood Of My Blood s1, Dinosaur s1, The Rig s2, Outlander s7, "Loch Henry" - Black Mirr...
Production Manager

Open to Job Sharing

Over 20 years' experience in FILM and TV and commercials. Credits include: Roots & Fruits, Electric...
Assistant Production Co-ordinator
Credits: Shetland Series 8, Payback, The Buccaneers Series 1, Good Omens Series 2, Outlander Series...

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