
Showing 1301 - 1320 listings

We provide multi format production services specialising in high end commercials and photography as...
Line Producer
Experienced Production Manager, looking for more Line Producer opportunities. Have worked across all...
Director of Photography
- ARRI Amira owner/operator - Director of Photography and camera operator with over 10 years of exp...
Production Assistant
 Returning to the industry after a prolonged career break and as a new entrant to Scotland's film an...
Location Manager
With over 25 years experience in the industry, Michelle provides a bespoke location service for film...
Rory’s Way Etruscan Smile Train-spotting 2 Ghosts Tell it to the Bees Outlaw King Malevolent W...
Highly experienced veterinary surgeon providing veterinary services for animals on set.  Friendly,...
Production Designer
Looking for a greens department to prep a courtyard before the 23/07. Contact me  sabrinaheleneli...
Animal Wrangler and Agent
Licensed Animal Handler, Horsemaster and Casting Agent providing trained animals for Entertainment,...
Bases in Edinburgh and Dumfries and Galloway. 25+ driver with own transport and able to travel. Leve...
Director of Photography
DP and Camera operator across Promos, Commercials and Features. 10 years experience.  Comfortable s...
Assistant Director
2nd AD with over 31 years experience in Film & TV. Credits include: Lockerbie (6part drama, weekly...
Production Accountant
Since October 2023 working out of industry as a finance manager on agency contract - keen to return...

Open to Job Sharing

My commercial work includes extensive experience as a unit stills and behind-the-scenes photographer...
Sound Recordist/Production Sound Mixer
I am a Glasgow based freelance sound recordist / production sound mixer working in the UK's TV and F...
Location Services
We are on a mission to make filming “on the move” easier but also safer for all productions, supplie...
Sound Supervisor
Drama, documentary & music. Location, studio & live. Experienced & friendly.
Unit Driver

Open to Job Sharing

My name is James Gray,  My company, Discover Argyll regularly recce locations, provide airport and...
Argocat and 6x6 ATV vehicle hire for the transport of cast, crew and equipment. LANTRA trained and i...
Graphic Designer
Glasgow-based, enthusiastic and versatile. Experience as a Graphic Designer, Illustrator and Artist...

Designed and built by Mucky Puddle