
Showing 841 - 860 listings

Ambitious production runner with experience in a variety of sets & office environments, developing v...
Animal Wrangler and Agent
Experienced and insured, work with a wide variety of animals, birds and reptiles. Have horses, ponie...
Location Scout
Location Scout based in Ednburgh, Scotland wth over 20 years experience and own 4x4 Jeep.Since the l...
Production Secretary
Currently: Production Secretary Cover on BLOOD OF MY BLOOD (S1) Experienced film festival coordin...
My aim is to transition into scripted TV and film, so I am actively seeking an entry-level position...
Camera Equipment
Extensive range of up to date camera formats.
Camera Operator
Award winning and experienced Camera Operator, in both film and stills. Experienced in documentary...
Experienced production coordinator (unscripted) - keen to get experience in scripted production....
Recent NFTS graduate looking to develop my training as a location sound recordist. At NFTS I learnt...
Runner on 'Shame', a short feature film, directed by Ellen Turley, Belfast. December 2022.  - Helpe...
Location Manager
Experience in Features, TV Drama and Commercials. Full CV available on request. Re...

Open to Job Sharing

A dedicated and skilled composer, arranger, performer and sound designer with a background in a rang...
Specialists in services to film and television sectors, actors, personalities, production companies,...
Based in Edinburgh and with 23 years of supply to a wide range of events and productions, Live Syste...
Most recently I shot unit stills and a poster shoot for award winning short film “Imposter Syndrome”...
Originally from Kansas City, Missouri. I spent a year in KC working on everything from student/indie...
Make-Up Designer
Recent credits: H&M Designer - QUOTNY BBC, - Hallmark movie, A Scottish Love Scheme,  - Screw 2, - 2...

Open to Job Sharing

Working in Long-form drama since 2012, primarily in Auckland, New Zealand. Been back home in Scotlan...
Drone Operator
I am a certified drone and camera operator with Bachelors in Film & TV Directing. Most of my backgr...
Location Catering
HMB STREET FOOD is a far-reaching diverse catering company based in Central Scotland specialising in...

Designed and built by Mucky Puddle