
Showing 801 - 820 listings

Location Catering
Location caterers based in Edinburgh with experience having operated throughout Scotland and the Nor...
Location Manager
Vastly experienced Location manager specialising in high end commercials but with relevant experienc...
Assistant Director
Experienced in features, TV & commercials. C.V. available on request.
Payroll/Assistant Accountant
I am currently an accounts assistant. Outlander: Blood of my Blood - Accounts Assistant (Set Dec) -...
I am East Lothian/Edinburgh based and I have just graduated from the University of Aberdeen in Engli...
Hotel receptionist - Point A Hotels - 27th March - Present Runner/Production Assistant - Heehaw Vid...
Production Designer
Designer credits: Two Doors Down, An Clòs Mòr, A Long Long Crime Ago, Don't Drop The Baton, Ooglies,...
Assistant Production Co-ordinator
Glasgow based Production Coordinator looking to transfer skills and experience from Unscripted to Sc...
Assistant Director
Selected credits: Crowd 2nd AD: On Falling (feature - Sixteen Films)  Dune: Part 2: (feature - Lege...
Runner / PA with feature film and HETV experience. Looking for more roles which could provide furth...
Costume Assistant
Costume Designer for independent Film and TV productions, Short Films and Commercials  Costume Stan...
A 2023 BA (hons) Television graduate from Edinburgh Napier University, and previous Royal Television...
Script Co-ordinator/Script Editor
Script Editor with Production Coordinator experience. Full clean UK driving licence. Glasgow based b...
Police, Props, Uniforms & Cars
Film Vehicles Scotland, we specialise in emergency vehicles for the Film and Television industry (Po...
Production Manager
Factual and Factual Entertainment. Recent credits Picture Slam S1, The Bidding Room S5&6, Bridge of...
Set Tutor Educator
Extensive experience as a set tutor on various productions. PGCE SECONDARY EDUCATION  PGCE PRIMARY...
Glasgow and Ediburgh based Art Department Assistant and Runner, with experience in short film work a...
Steadicam Operator
Steadicam Owner/Operator. Features, Dramas, Promos, Commercials. Recent credits include: Black Mir...
Location Assistant
Location Department experience includes: Location Co-ordinator - Dinosaur (TV Comedy), Department Q...
Sound Recordist/Production Sound Mixer

Open to Job Sharing

Location Sound Recordist Since training with some of the best technicians in the BBC, David has gon...

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