
Showing 501 - 520 listings


Open to Job Sharing

Offline Editor with over ten years of experience specialising in long and short-form television, fea...
PROPS / SET DEC CARPENTER Construction carpenter and props / set dec modelling carpenter, working i...
Updated CV available on request. Grip Credits; 'Annika' Series 2 Black Camel     · DOP - Bjørn...
Health & Safety Consultant
Chartered health and safety consultant for TV and film in Scotland.  Also experience in events, exp...
Production Assistant
Production and Edit Assistant with experience working both on set and in post production.   Recent...
Set Decorator
Rebus (2023), Debutante (2022) Set Decorator (Apple TV), Empire of Light (2021) Assistant Set Decora...
Camera 2nd Assistant
Camera Assistant with over 10 years experience. Recent credits include: Murder is Easy and Payback....
Art Department Assistant
Experienced Architectural Designer based in Edinburgh.  Experience I have 6+ years of experience i...
Currently booked until the end of the year. Enthusiastic, adaptable, hard working, and a keen team...
Camera Assistant
Glasgow based Camera Assistant with experience on commercials, promos, shorts, Live OB, and freelanc...
Director of Photography
Caroline is an award-winning Cinematographer with nine years’ professional experience, having gradua...
Location Marshall / Runner roles Crew Newcomer looking for entry-level Location Marshall and Runner...
Assembly Editor
Experienced assistant editor recently stepping up to cut long form drama and looking for Assembly Ed...
Camera 1st Assistant
I have 12 years’ industry experience working on features, dramas, and commercials. I am proficient w...
Art Director (Standby)

Open to Job Sharing

Standby Art Director on commercials, Film & TV.  TV Series: Glan Fhein (Comedy Unit), Vera S10 ITV (...
Director of Photography
DP currently shooting Irvine Welsh feature doc for LS Productions. Clients include Bacardi, LEGO, BB...

Open to Job Sharing

Recently moved into Film & TV production with a background in outreach and training with on focus on...
Assistant Editor
Reliable and passionate Assistant Editor with 4+ years of experience. Proficient in Avid & Adobe Cre...
Recent graduate in HND makeup artistry for film, TV and theatre, seeking trainee and daily work thro...
Production Buyer
Production Buyer - CBBC Dog Squad Season 2, Hello Halo Kids. Production Designer – Wendy Cairns. P...

Designed and built by Mucky Puddle