PERRY Clifford
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During eighteen years working, within the rigging industry, I have found myself in the role of a Production/Touring Rigger; Rope Access Technician; lead climbing, Arborist, safety project manager, and Rigging/Safety Supervisor. This has involved largely providing services to a host of industries covering live entertainment, music, theatre tours and instals (west end) as well as Installations, corporate and sporting events, performer flying, stunts, and wire work, in my years of working within rigging staging performer flying aerialist; AV installation; and maintenance; Pulley systems; set flying. Location shoots overlooking the safety of cast and crew, I have covered most if not all elements required for these roles.
I am skilled in Rigging, staging, and scaffolding; including ground support and fly system installations including winch, and divert reaving. Testing programming, overseeing the maintenance and installations of fly systems, reinstatement of fly bars, various theatre’s grid installation and maintenance, film and TV studio and location, stunts rigging, rope rescue cover and touring with a large variety of complex theatre productions to very simple but successful shows.
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