Unit Driver
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Unit Driver
I have over 30 years driving experience and 12+ years experience as a location driver for crew and talent on film and TV productions, as well as location scouting, recces, music festivals and driving for high profile artists from music and film. I provide a flexible and reliable service to meet the unique demands of the film and music industry.
I have a clean driving licence with no convictions and I am eligible to drive the following categories of vehicle; B1, B, C1, BE, CE, D1 and D1E. I can be hired to drive a hired vehicle, company vehicle, or I can provide my own vehicle (fully insured for hire & reward, plus public liability), a long wheel base Ford Tourneo Custom Titanium minibus with an 8 passenger capacity which includes: 6 rear reclining seats arranged conference style for transporting talent. The rear seats can be removed to create a crew van. A box trailer can be added for extra luggage and equipment. I can provide vehicle photos on request.
Currently Available
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